Energy Management

Renewable Energy

VisEra understands our corporate responsibility to the environment. In addition to continuing to improve energy efficiency, we are actively involved in the use and purchase of renewable energy by paying close attention to the Science Based Targets (SBT) initiative and the RE100 Global Renewable Energy Initiative to limit global warming to 2° C. We also actively participate in the use and purchase of renewable energy. We set the target for attaining 100% renewable energy use in office areas by the end 2022 and attaining 36.6% renewable energy use in the Company. We used carbon credits to offset the greenhouse gas emissions of the natural gas used in the kitchen to attain the short-term goal of net zero emissions in the office. Our medium-term goal is to expand the stable supply of renewable energy and attain 40% renewable energy use in the Company by 2030, and our long-term goal is to attain 100% renewable energy use in the Company by 2050.

The Company will purchase land-based wind power and small hydropower in 2021, and will introduce land-based wind power in November 2021, and will start to transfer small hydropower in June 2022, with a total of 29,156,000 units of electricity to be transferred by 2022, and will obtain 29,156 renewable energy certificates.By 2022, VisEra has signed contracts for the purchase of renewable energy including 3,600KW of wind power systems with an estimated annual generation capacity of 9,000 MWh, and a 6,250KW hydroelectric system with an estimated annual generation capacity of 24,375 MWh. We estimate that we can obtain approximately 33,375 renewable energy certificates each year, which is equivalent to a reduction of 0.01699 million metric tons of carbon emissions. VisEra also set up solar energy systems totaling 29.8KW in 2014, which fully demonstrated our commitment to green energy and our steadfast support for clean energy.

Note: Only Hsinchu Plant data are included in the renewable energy statistics.