Product quality

Product Environmental Impact Assessment

VisEra adopts a sustainability approach to reduce the impact of products on the environment in all stages of its life cycle, including the production and transportation of raw materials, product manufacturing, testing, and packaging. We completed the first product life cycle, carbon footprint, and water footprint assessment in 2019 and obtained third-party certification for ISO 14040, ISO 14067, and ISO 14046 compliance. After the assessment, we found that GHG reduction should remain a strategy for VisEra to implement continuous improvements. In addition to increasing the ratio of renewable energy in electricity consumption, we shall also seek other strategies for reduction at the source. In 2022, we implemented 11 programs to reduce emissions at the source on the production lines and reduced water and electricity consumption of machines by adjusting process parameters and save a total of 98,000 kWh of energy and 943 metric tons of water.

VisEra will review the product life cycle environmental footprint every three years to identify the risks and opportunities of hot spots in each phase. The information will be used as the reference or baseline for continual improvements of the environmental management system and provide actual contributions to the Company’s business expansion and environmental sustainability.

Two major hot spots of global warming: