2023 ESG Report
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7.1 Corporate Citizenship

VisEra’s ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) Sustainable Development Implementation Committee has established the "Social Engagement and Friendly Workplace Task Force" with the goal of becoming a responsible corporate citizen. We are committed to social care with a focus on education, environmental conservation, and public welfare. We collaborate with local governments, schools, non-profit organizations, and engage in volunteer services to maximize our social impact and value over the long term.

VisEra , through its employee-led volunteer organization called the Volunteer Society, is led by senior executives serving as presidents, guiding colleagues in volunteer activities. We are committed to long-term engagement in community and school initiatives, such as adopting green spaces annually in the Hsinchu Science Park, leading volunteers every two months to participate in landscape conservation at Wenshan Elementary School in Xinpu Township, and providing community services around the Longtan factory area. Embodying the spirit of sustainable development, we actively demonstrate neighborly goodwill and community involvement.


Supporting Cultural Development: Art and Culture Corridor

VisEra has long nurtured the cultural and artistic education of our employees. We have established an "Art and Culture Corridor" at VisEra's Hsinchu headquarters, collaborating with organizations such as World Vision, Hsinchu Mingshan Gallery, and Taipei Capital Art Center to curate exhibitions. This initiative not only provides a space for our employees to engage with art but also offers opportunities for seasoned and talented artists to showcase their work.

Sustained investment in social welfare

2023 Beach cleaning
In 2023, VisEra adopted the coastline of Happiness Sand Bay, Kanhai Park, and Sports Park in Hsinchu City for beach cleaning. On the morning of October 21st, a total of 56 enthusiastic colleagues and their families joined forces for the beach cleanup. Along the 1,139-meter coastline of Happiness Sand Bay, Kanhai Park, and Sports Park, they cleared a total of 447 kilograms of waste. This effort was a humble contribution to the Earth and a gift to marine life, providing them with a beautiful home. Through this activity, participants of all ages learned the importance of reducing waste and not indiscriminately disposing of garbage, fostering a collective commitment to protecting our planet.

2023 Mountain cleaning

This initiative involved activities such as hiking, bird net removal, and garbage collection


In 2023, as part of mountain cleaning efforts, volunteers from VisEra's Volunteer Club and Mountaineering Club, along with students from Natural Valley and Kansai High School, embarked on a portion of the famous "Feisha Zongzou" trail in the Guanlin and Hengshan areas. Equipped with scissors, hoes, and other tools, they collectively cleared tangled vegetation resembling a "ground net" on the forest floor. Resulting in the removal of 6 large bags of bird nets and 3 large bags of other trash along the trail.

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