2023 ESG Report
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6.2 Talent Development

VisEra is committed to enhancing employees' self-learning awareness and providing diverse learning resources and tools. We encourage employees to engage in learning activities without restrictions on time, location, or format, in alignment with the company's growth direction, organizational needs, and individual performance requirements. This continuous improvement of work efficiency aims to gather more energy for company growth and societal advancement.

In addition, VisEra actively implements On-the-Job Training (OJT) and Individual Development Programs (IDP) to allow employees to learn and enhance their work efficiency in practical work environments. Apart from systematically planning job rotations to cultivate future talent, VisEra also encourages employees to align with organizational development and arrange their personal career paths, enabling them to leverage their strengths and continue growing.

In the fiscal year 2023, we focused on talent retention strategies and assisted supervisors in enhancing their management skills. We specially invited senior executives to conduct seminars on managerial philosophies, sharing their personal approaches to workplace management to bring positive energy to frontline supervisors.

The program covered six major themes: subordinate development, team leadership, note-taking skills, customer communication, time management, and cross-departmental collaboration, with a total of twelve sessions held for each theme. The total number of supervisor participants was 539, with an attendance rate of 90%.


Furthermore, we planned training on communication and management skills for supervisors, inviting external speakers to conduct sessions on two topics: intergenerational communication and conflict management. Six sessions were conducted in total to provide communication and management training for supervisors. The total number of supervisor participants was 188, with an attendance rate of 91%.

Training paths for new hires and existing employees.

In 2023, VisEra organized training and learning development activities totaling 33,776.8 hours, with a total of over 40,750 participants completing the training. On average, each employee received approximately 24.4 hours of training.

Note 1: The total number of employees for the fiscal year is based on the total number of employees as of the end of the year without including contractors and interns. Average training hours per employee: Total training hours for all employees in the fiscal year divided by the total number of employees for the fiscal year.
Note 2: Total training hours for male and female employees are calculated based on the gender ratio.
Note 3: Employees are classified into supervisors, technical staff, and professional staff according to the internal personnel system of the company. Average training hours per employee in each category: Total training hours for employees in that category in the fiscal year divided by the total number of employees in that category for the fiscal year.

6.2.1 Competency Development

Although VisEra does not provide transition assistance programs specifically for employees whose careers end due to retirement or termination of employment, the establishment of our "Talent Development" goals has always focused on ensuring that employees' competencies remain up-to-date to support the company's sustainable operation and meet employees' lifelong learning needs. In other words, as long as employees continue to learn systematically under the company's talent development system, we believe they will be well-prepared for their career development after leaving the company.

To continue focusing on talent development strategies and encouraging self-directed learning, VisEra assists employees in continuously improving their skills in their respective fields and expanding their learning horizons. To achieve this goal, VisEra provides self-directed learning resources to facilitate learning anytime, anywhere.

The key self-directed learning courses in 2023

VisEra has an online learning system called V+ Talent. Currently, there are 1,562 courses available on the platform. These courses are categorized into four main types: basic, professional, general education, and management.Every year, during the fourth quarter, the company collects digital courses planned by various departments for the next year. Internal colleagues are appointed by supervisors to serve as course instructors. The Training and Development Unit assists these instructors in recording digital courses, which are then uploaded to the system for colleagues to access and learn.

In 2023, VisEra produced a total of 50 in-house digital courses, including basic, general education, and professional courses. The completion rate for recording these courses reached 100%.

VisEra continues to strengthen the professional development of its employees to achieve corporate goals. In addition to offering various in-house training courses, the company also sends representatives to participate in external training programs. Upon completion of these courses, the company fully subsidizes the expenses. In 2023, there were 315 external training applications, with a total completion time of 4,467 hours. Among these, 185 safety-related certifications were obtained, and 130 employees received completion certificates for various professional courses. These professional courses covered topics such as quality management, research and development technology, and product and market trends. Through external training programs, the company aims to comply with regulatory requirements and enhance the professional skills of its employees.

Internal and external training in 2023

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