2023 ESG Report
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6.1 Talent Recruitment and Retention

6.1.1 Employee Distribution

As of the end of the year 2023, VisEra has a total employee of 1387 people, 855 of them are managers and professionals, and 532 of them are factory workers.

Optical components companies in the semiconductor industry are knowledge and technology-intensive. Of all the managers and professionals over 70% of them hold a bachelor's degree and above. In addition, VisEra continuously strives to provide a friendly and fair workplace, out of the total number of employees in 2023, 44% of them are female, and 24.6% of them are below the age of 30. VisEra’s employees’ average age is 36.6 years old.

Note 1: The total number of employees is based on the number of active em-ployees after the end of the year without including interns.
Note2: The manager consists of deputy managers or higher. The technical per-sonnel consist of direct labor.
Note 3: Relative Percentage to Total Employee = number of people within each classification/total number of employee.
Note 4: VisEra’s operating bases are all located in Taiwan and there are no employees assigned overseas. All the nationality of high-level manag ers is Taiwan.

Employee Distribution

6.1.2 Talent Recruitment

Employees are valuable partners to VisEra and also a steadfast cornerstone in the Company’s journey to a sustainable future. To realize VisEra’s vision of becoming “one of the world’s leading companies in providing best optical components for the semiconductor industry,” exceptional talents are the key. To this end, VisEra is constantly looking out for talents who meet our vision: “VISERA” They are: Visionary, Innovation, Sagacity, Excellence, Reliability, and Accountability to grow together with us.
VisEra makes its annual human resources plan based on the company’s annual operational strategy and recruits the necessary talents via diverse recruitment channels, including but not limited to, the recruitment system on the company’s official website, taking part in major recruitment events, engaging in social media, host company visits and campus speech events, in addition of providing employee referral program to increase recruitment efficiency and continue to build VisEra’s creativity and energy.

Recruitment Channels

Recruitment seminars

In 2023, VisEra hired 47 new employees. Number of people by age and gender are distributed as below:

Note 1: Does not include interns.
Note 2: Percentage of all employees = number of people within each group/total number of employee

In 2023, 82 people resigned, the annual turnover rate was 5.8% and the turnover rate within 1 year was 1.8%. Number of people by age and gender are distributed as below:

Note 1: The turnover rate is calculated based on formal employee, and does not includes employee on leave without pay, intern, fixed term employee, and forgien direct labor.
Note 2: Percentage of all employees = number of people within each group/total number of employee
Note 3: Annual turnover rate = Annual turnover number/{(number of employee at the beginning of the year)+(number of employee at the end of the year)/2}.The turnover number is calculated based on formal employee, and does not includes employee on leave without pay, intern, fixed term employee, and forgien direct labor.
Note 4: New employee turnover rate = Annual turnover number/{(number of employee at the beginning of the year)+(number of employee at the end of the year)/2}. The turnover number is calculated based on formal employee within one year, and does not includes employee on leave without pay, intern, fixed term employee, and forgien direct labor.

Employees are VisEra’s valuable partners. VisEra implements 5 outstanding benefits measures, 6 training programs, and 3 workplace-friendly initiatives to help attract and retent talents, to help VisEra secure the momentum of continuous growth.

Talent Retention Measures

VisEra endeavors to build a multi-faceted and inclusive workplace by employing people from different sexes, religious backgrounds, ethnicities, nationalities, and ages, in addition to providing work opportunities for the physically challenged. However, due to the nature of the work, the number of physically challenged candidates is lacking and doesn’t meet the legally required 1% of weighed total number of employees and the company has paid the contribution fee as required.

As for employees’ career development and promotion channels, 100% of VisEra’s employees go under regular performance reviews, and potential talents are given sample opportunities to explore and grow their potential. Promotion decision is made based on the consideration of work experience, professional ability, job performance, and personality traits by the management with the aim of putting the right person in the right position and fostering an inclusive workplace and diversified atmosphere wage.

The employee’s salary will be reviewed based on job function, individual performance, and benchmarking with the industrial standard on an annual basis when making the salary adjustment proposal. Salary is structured in two parts: fixed compensation and variable compensation. Fixed compensation is benchmarked with overall market standards, while variable compensation will be linked with the employee’s department, team, and personal performance. The overall compensation structure for the year 2023 is 12 months of basic salary and 2 months of year-end bonus. The average salary is more than 1.27 million NTD while the average salary for direct labor is higher than 0.7 million NTD. The average monthly income is 2.2 times higher than Taiwan’s minimum wage. In 2023, VisEra’s highest personal salary is 14.36 times higher than the median salary. The change between annual total compensation and median compensation is 2.2 times.

VisEra highly respects the career path each employee is willing to take. By providing a transparent internal job vacancy platform, the employee is encouraged to diversify their job function to enhance the width and depth of their career in order to optimize the flow of talents realize the goal of putting the right people on the right job, and foster a friendly workplace. In the year 2023, there are 43 internal vacancies, and 67.4% of them were filled by the existing employees, and successfully met the targeted goal of 65%.

VisEra understands talent development is the key to sustainability development, in order to meet the constant challenge faced by the company, VisEra aims to let high-potential talent into the management role via an internal promotion system and also help with key talent retention. In the year 2023, 82.1% of management roles were promoted from existing employees which exceeded the targeted goal of 70%.

To better attract and retain talents, VisEra offers leaves and benefits systems that are superior to what is legally required, including but not limited to, paid leaves, flexible leaves, sick leaves, group insurance, health care services, and other benefits and reimbursements. About the leaves system, all the newly hired are given advanced leaves before the one-year service period. One day of paid leave is available for every two months of work. Moreover, while the 7 days of memorial leaves were no longer available due to the new regulation, VisEra still offers these leaves as flexible leaves. As the sick leaves, VisEra offers half a day of sick leave for every 30 days of service and 120 hours of paid sick leaves, in addition to 120 hours of half paid sick leaves which are superior to what is legally required.

For the sake of work-life balance, VisEra has implemented a flexible work schedule since September 2022, the employees may adjust their work schedule based on their personal needs. In 2023, a total of 70 people applied for a flexible work schedule which constitutes about 8.5% of employees who work on a regular schedule.

In addition, other than legally required occupational and health insurance, VisEra offers additional group insurance packages to the employees and their immediate families i.e. spouses, children, and parents. The employee will enjoy coverage on life insurance, casualty insurance, and medical insurance (including against cancer); moreover, the employee who is under parental leave (within 6 months) will still covered by the group insurance.

VisEra assembles the “Supervisory Committee of Business Entities' Labor Retirement Reserve” as required by the law. For the employee who falls under the old labor retirement plan, the company will disburse their retirement reserve into the designated account. For the employee who falls under the new labor retirement plan, 6% of their monthly salary will be disbursed to their designated retirement account as required by the law.

Compensation and benefits

Other than parental leave, should an employee face family difficulties, extraordinary circumstances, or military conscription, such an employee may apply for leave without pay to better achieve work life balance and may apply for reinstatement at a later date.

In 2023, there are 120 people eligible to apply for parental leave, and 10 of them applied for parental leave. The application rate is 8.3%. 14 people are expected to come back to work, and 11 of them did come back, the reinstatement rate is 78.6%. A total of 3 people resigned, two of them resigned due to career choice, and one of them was to focus on child-rearing. The reinstatement rate exceeds the targeted goal of 50%. In 2023, 14 people applied for maternity leaves, and 31 applied for accompanying spouse maternal leaves. A total of 45 newborns contribute to Taiwan’s overall birth rate.


Talent Retention Measure

Employee Stock Ownership Trust

Talent is what fuels the company's moves forward, VisEra’s talent retention roadmap and strategy to keep the momentum going.

In 2023, VisEra implemented the “Employee Stock Ownership Trust” program to encourage its employees to dream big and make retirement plans with peace of mind, encouraging them to take part in the fruit of the company’s success.

Joint rate approached nearly 60% within 1st month after its implementation and acquired positive feedback and interaction by employees. This program continues to be among one of the most welcome incentive programs launched by the company.

6.1.3 Labor-management communication

VisEra Corporation has established internal and external complaint channels to enhance communication between the company and its employees. These channels are managed by dedicated supervisors, allowing employees to freely submit constructive proposals to the company at any time. Additionally, they provide a platform for employees to express personal suggestions and complaints, ensuring timely and effective communication.In addition, face-to-face communication is also facilitated through various meeting formats such as supervisor communication meetings and IDL communication meetings. Furthermore, labor-management meetings are held quarterly to report operational updates, annual activities, and welfare measures planning to labor representatives. We respect the rights of all employees to organize and participate in unions, collective bargaining, and peaceful assemblies, while also respecting the rights of employees to abstain from such activities. As of 2023, there have been no instances of employees organizing unions.In the event that it becomes necessary to terminate employment relationships with certain employees due to unforeseen circumstances or to implement significant operational changes that may substantially affect employee rights (such as plant closures, relocation, changes in workplace, or job duties), we adhere to legal requirements by providing advance notice to employees and ensuring effective communication, thus ensuring a dispute-free process between labor and management. There were no significant labor-management disputes in 2023.

Labor-management communication channels are as follows:

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