2023 ESG Report
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5.1 Environmental Protection Policies and Commitments

VisEra regards pollution prevention as one of the primary responsibilities of its operations, and in order to promote environmental sustainability and green production, its vision is to become a benchmark enterprise in environmental protection.

5.1.1 Environmental Management Mechanisms

Note: For VisEra’s environmental policies and commitments, please refer to VisEra’s official website/Environmental Policies and Commitments.

To formulate specific response measures for environmental management and sustainability related issues, VisEra established an interdepartmental organization called the "Green Team" for the management of environmental (E) issues in ESG for the management, implementation, target setting, and future prospects. We implement climate change and energy management, water management, waste management and air pollution prevention. We strive to reduce the environmental impact of operations and continue to improve environmental sustainability for Company's development and environmental protection to coexist and prosper together.

VisEra established an inter-departmental task force called the "Green Team" with the "ESG Sustainable Development Promotion Committee" as the chief convener. The Resource Planning Organization and its the ESG Unit oversee the environmental protection tasks, and each unit appoints a team member to implement environmental sustainability tasks and expand implementation. To implement effective supervision and management of environmental management, we planned and identified the four major strategies of environmental sustainability management in 2022. They include "Green Value and Marketing", "Environmental Pollution Control", "Communication of Sustainability Ideals" and "Green Production". We then used the four major areas to develop work indicators (the Company's performance for each indicator is specified in the chapters of the report). The Green Team of each unit provides statistics and information on the attainment of the targets. The attainment rate and effectiveness are confirmed in monthly meetings of the Green Team. They determine environmental related issues to continuously improve and enhance the effectiveness of environmental management.

5.1.2 Environmental Management History

VisEra adopted the ISO 14001 environmental management system when the plant was built and adopted the ISO 50001 energy management system in 2014. We continue to identify, verify, comply, and continuously improve the implementation of the system each year based on environmental factors, energy management, and regulatory requirements. The Company implements and manages the management tasks in accordance with the provisions and spirit of the management system, and regularly appoints a third-party verification institution to conduct verification and maintain the effectiveness of the management system.


Environmental Management Actions or Milestone

Environmental management certifications

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